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It’s no secret that house prices in the U.S. have soared. The typical US home value at the beginning of 2020 was about $230,000, according to Zillow data. As of May 2023, it has shot up to more than $330,000. For desirable real estate, you’re talking much, much more.
Making near-passive income is one of the most wonderful things in the world. It’s money while you sleep. And I still get a sense of quiet satisfaction every time I see rental income hit my bank account.
When you look everywhere, you’ll always find opportunity somewhere. That’s the beauty of being an international real estate scout, and something I learned years ago when I first started out on my overseas adventures.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - I’ve been visiting Belize since 2005, but this is the first time I’m bringing you a deal from there with exclusive, RETA-only pricing…
Generating rental income is a key part of the two-step profit play in many of my recommendations to you in Real Estate Trend Alert.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - A picture’s worth a thousand words...
Thursday September 22, 2022 - In this month’s Dream Home Digest, I’m taking you on a trip to one the hottest new travel destinations in Europe…
Saturday, 30 July, 2022 - Welcome to your Dream Home Digest!