A Historic Deal, Fully Furnished -


Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

A Historic Deal, Fully Furnished

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Ronan McMahon Dear Your Overseas Dream Home Reader,

Welcome to your Saturday Wrap up!

A Historic Deal

A luxury condo in a unique beachfront community from just $112,000…

That’s the deal I’m working on right now.

If I nail down this pricing it means your potential for profit is truly enormous—I figure gains of $138,000 five years after delivery and handsome rental returns.

And your condo comes fully furnished down to the last spoon with onsite rental management to handle everything. That includes the marketing, greeting renters, cleaning…you just sit back and watch the income roll in.

The furnishings are worth $15,000. Factor that in and your price looks more like $97,000.

$97,000 for a luxury condo a stroll to the beach…and not any beach, the closest nicest beach to the emerging global hub that is Panama City.

I’m still nailing down pricing but it looks like we can expect luxury condos in a unique beachfront community from just $112,000.

Next week I’ll tell you more about this deal…

But it’s going to be crucial you do something to make sure you don’t miss it…

Because my Roving Real Estate Investor email address is changing…

You should whitelist the new email address ov***************@mb.com

If you don’t update your contacts with the new address, you may miss out on this historic new deal. Like I say, I’m bringing you details of this next week.

If you’re not sure how to whitelist here’s what to do:

The new Your Overseas Dream Home, from Ronan McMahon email address is: ov***************@mb.com

  1. Simply add it to your contacts now (if you’re not sure how to add an email to your contacts, this Whitelist how-to has details for Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and others.)
  2. Tomorrow check your Junk (or Sp*m) folder to make sure your Overseas Dream Home, from Ronan McMahon emails haven’t ended up there. If they have, just add Your Overseas Dream Home, from Ronan McMahon email to your Contacts.

That’s it.

Your Overseas Dream Home

One of the reasons I’m changing the name of this e-letter to Your Overseas Dream Home is to reflect the bargain properties I’ve been bringing you from around the world.

For over a decade I’ve been bringing serious real estate investments to my premium investor’s group, Real Estate Trend Alert—real estate plays with which you could double your money in less than five years.

But even without a hard-nosed investment case I get a kick out of the romance of a stunning property in a beautiful location at a knock-down price.

I don’t intend changing the content dramatically. This will still be my e-letter. But I’ll be introducing more of my team as they scout and hunt for property around the world.

I promise you a lot more overlooked bargain gems that my team and I uncover on our travels and through our contacts.

Last Sunday, I brought you details of move-in-ready homes in historic Sicily from $84,856.

As I’ve written before, some municipalities in Sicily are offering up homes at just €1. The idea being to revitalize rapidly depopulating towns and villages.

However, my position is that when you take renovation costs into account—which can be significant with these old, long-abandoned homes—you’re better off spending a little more and buying something already renovated. You’ll still find silly cheap deals, but the work will be done for you…you can read my report here.

And watch out for our name change in Monday’s e-letter.

The Best Beach Town?

Yesterday I brought you a report from my senior researcher, Margaret Summerfield on the next leg of her journey.

For the past few months, Margaret’s been touring her way through Europe, test driving promising destinations and searching for real estate deals.

Yesterday, Margaret gave us her final take away from her journey through Portugal, comparing her two favorite beach towns…

There was one clear winner…a town where RETA members have had some great deals.

Read about it here.

Read about Margaret’s favorite beach town in Portugal here.

Wishing you good real estate investing,


Ronan McMahon, Real Estate Trend Alert