About Real Estate Trend Alert... -


Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

About Real Estate Trend Alert…

Ronan here…

What is Real Estate Trend Alert and how does it work?

RETA is my investment research service for people interested in profitable real estate. The entire point of RETA is to put us on the inside of the world’s greatest real estate opportunities.

Our group was born out of my frustration…

I began traveling the world looking for real estate opportunities decades ago. And for years I searched for a group like RETA. I wanted to join like-minded folks eager to pool our buying power and share in the best real estate deals around the world. I searched in vain. There was no such group.

So, in 2008 I founded my own and called it, that’s right, Real Estate Trend Alert. Or RETA for short.

How do we get the best real estate deals?


Whatever your business or profession I expect you know what a huge advantage it is to be first. First with an idea. First to develop a product. First to market it.

The same goes for making truly staggering profits in real estate.

To be a Real Estate Trend Alert member is to be first on the very best real estate deals in the world. First to get wind of a big transformation, a big trend or a major Path of Progress event, first to get in on the ground floor of that transformation…first to get in on a best-in-class real estate at off-market prices.

That’s why I have a team of researchers and analysts. It’s why we spend a small fortune on travel and research. It’s why I have two chartered accountants to run the rule on things. To be first.

But to be first is not enough of an advantage…

We must be first together.

And the core strength of our RETA club is our group buying power. It’s by acting in unison with like-minded investors that we get the incredible deals that we do.

Alone, I can’t bring much to the table when I negotiate with developers besides my charm. I might not even get into their office. With RETA members at my back though, I can bow developers to our will, craft insanely good terms and prices, and leave everyone a winner. And, after many years in existence, our RETA group now has a heavy-hitting reputation in the right circles all over the globe.

Our group buying power is highly respected and sought after. It’s how we get deals no one else gets, deals that even the most informed local real estate insiders can’t believe.

What do you get when you’re in the RETA club?

I’ll email you frequently with news of deals, reports from the road, analysis of markets, that sort of thing. This is particularly useful for keeping up to date on current deals. RETA members have this website, videos, reports…a vast library of resources.

They are available to help you with anything. And there’s a buyer’s liaison too, to help you out after you’ve bought in any RETA deal.

I like thing simple and smooth. And that’s what I want RETA to be for members.

The real juice of RETA membership though…the biggest benefit of them all…

That has to be the off-market RETA -only deal.

An off-market RETA deal is one I negotiate exclusively on behalf of RETA members on real estate I expect will rise in value. I use our awesome buying power as a group when negotiating.

For a deal to cut my muster, I have to see clear potential for us to double our money invested in five years. I particularly love deals that offer us rapid appreciation and enormous income potential should we choose to rent upon delivery.

All Sorts of Deals

Besides the off-market deal we have other sorts of deals. Flash deals for instance are one off and urgent. Like a luxury ocean-view villa in Nicaragua at 50% off…or a townhouse selling at a big discount in Spain. Both examples of flash deals I’ve brought to RETA members.

Also from time to time I might bring you some vicarious dream real estate my team has found, something that’s good value but not a red-hot RETA deal—think a castle in Italy or a cottage in Ireland. Something special with a lifestyle twist that often stacks up as a respectable investment, just not the stellar yields and gains we focus on for RETA. An example is when I scouted historic village homes in the south of France that were ideal for renting out in the summer and spending time in yourself the rest of the year. You could figure on a 6% gross yield doing that. Not bad for your own slice of history in a fairy tale French village. But not the kind of incredible yield we hunt for at RETA.

Why Do Developers Give Us These Deals?

When it comes to our truly special off-market deals, why do developers agree to offer us the unbeatable pricing they do?

The short answer is because of our RETA group buying power. By that I mean our capacity as a group to buy out communities in the space of a weekend or even less time.

Our deals need to be a win for everybody. A win-win-win. The developer gets fast sales, RETA members get incredible pricing, first dibs and often exclusive financing, and my company receive a fee, which helps keep the lights on, the travel happening, and the deals flowing.

By all buying together at the same time our group can change the developer’s business.

When developers decide to proceed with a project there are typically two numbers they target.

One is the profitability, the other is Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Without getting too technical, IRR is the annualized rate of return on their cash invested.

Developers look for the lowest-risk route to hit their targets.

By doing a deal with us at RETA it means the developer gets a quick chunk of sales under his belt. That’s because we bring our phenomenal group buying power to bear. And that cuts the project lifespan significantly.

In other words, the developer can get the project done much quicker, which has a huge impact on the IRR number. It boosts it (conversely, stretching out a project reduces the IRR proportionally).

Cutting the timeframe of the project also reduces costs because sales and admin offices are staffed and open for a much shorter period of time.

Meantime, because the developer has less inventory to sell to the local market, they can charge a higher price.

This all adds up to a very simple equation for a developer: They can offer really big discounts to us and still hit their numbers, while reducing their risk (and, by extension, our risk).

That’s the win for the developer and it’s the win for RETA members. By way of full disclosure the third “win” in our win-win-win is that my company get a fee for playing our part. Much of which gets ploughed back into travel and research and is the reason I’ve been able to grow Real Estate Trend Alert.

As you can see, the stronger our group, the more amazing deals I can negotiate for us.

And now you can see why developers come looking for us…and how we can get such amazing deals. (Plus, developers often offer RETA members exclusive financing, a major benefit in lots of overseas markets were foreigners would struggle to get bank financing.)

What People Say About Real Estate Trend Alert

“If you’re serious about making money in real estate I don’t think there is any better group than RETA. Ronan’s decades of research, networking and negotiating are what makes the difference. The very high-quality threshold RETA deals need to meet reduces the risks of investing off-plan.” – Greg Bush, England, retired

“The best most complete way to investigate international real estate investment.” – Nicole Garner, Arizona, business owner

“In the past two years, between myself and these friends and family, we have participated in 11 of the RETA offerings to date. Looking forward for more to come!” – Patrick Carr, Denver, chief financial officer

“If you can find a more honest, knowledgeable and hard-working group than the staff at RETA, you should definitely do business with them and let me know who they are.” – Justin Barnett, Miami, retired

“If a guy wants offshore real estate, RETA is the place to be.” – Russell Simmons, Canada, farmer

“Fantastic real estate information, Starting with Ronan and his great team of real estate scouts who travel the world looking for great RETA deals. They’re informal communication and in-depth knowledge is off the charts.”– Robin Shortle, North Carolina, property manager

“Smoking ‘inside’ deals before becoming public. Keep doing what you’re doing!” – Brad Costanzo, seasoned entrepreneur, growth strategist and investor.

“This group gets you on the inside of the most profitable real estate deals overseas. The group buying power allows us to buy directly from the developer at rock bottom prices before the general public.” – Johnny Corbyn, Virginia, business owner

“No other way to get the best first hand information on fabulous properties…most trusted source that you cannot match anywhere else. Actually the best kept secret, that we RETA members would like to keep for ourselves!” – Roger Day, optometrist, California

“Great way to become aware of international opportunities and there’s a constant pipeline of opportunities to choose from when you are ready.” – Tom Walton, software engineer, Washington

“Topnotch! Very detailed analysis of deals.” – Ray Steele, Lake Geneva, WI, retired

“It’s the #1 community for international real estate opportunities, and I would absolutely recommend it!” – Jim Ballard, retired, Oregon

RETA is the only platform where you can get incredible deals at incredible locations. They truly deliver, working with best in class developers. Many offerings financing.” – Vince Santos, retired, Denver

“I appreciate the RETA concept of strength in numbers, group members buying at a discount, and in locales with beauty, amenities and rental income opportunities. I also appreciate Ronan McMahon’s boots on the ground experience in international scouting and investment.” – Opal Daves, Model, Actress, writer, California

“I think RETA has some of the most compelling real estate deals…” – Laura Madsen, Wisconsin, Biotech management

“A fantastic way to gain exposure to international real estate.” – Carl Barton, lawyer, Washington
“Great research and connections in a wide variety of properties and countries. Great job people! Exceptional value to members and lots of great opportunities. Yes. One of a kind research and opportunities to grow a retirement nest-egg.” – David Simons
“This service provides great pricing without the leg work and you have due diligence time to check the boxes to be as sure as possible that the investment fits you.” – Rita Bourne, Florida, real estate agent

“This service really offers some incredible opportunities that are at great prices.” – Camelia Wintringham, California, designer

“I love the research you guys do, and the detailed explanations of places, trends, contact with developers…” – Joey Kimmons, Boston, retired teacher

“Join now. When you see the right investment, jump in.” – Sally Barlow, Texas, firefighter

“It’s a wealth of information that you could never get on your own. And it could change your life for the better.” – Maxine Wilcher, Ohio, customer support analyst

“I have recommended RETA to several people… I’m excited to finally be in process for my first RETA purchase and look forward to another after I’ve had my Social Security pension added to my income.” – Vanessa Warner, USA

“Lots of timely information and specific properties in recommended locations.” – Milo Holland, Forth Worth, copywriter

“Solid experienced advice with demonstrated track record of success.” – Franklin Naga, Colorado, travel and logistics concierge

RETA offers great analysis on what’s going on in hot markets and creates unique opportunities through its group buying power.” – Archer Ray, Florida, physician

“Find someone who really knows the markets and what they are doing” and I feel that RETA fits that bill extremely well.” – Cheryl Gibbs, Denver, retired finance & contracting officer

“It is an established and reputable organization that brings members outstanding real estate opportunities around the world. Hop off the fence and join!” – Warren Snyder, Colorado, training co-ordinator

“Good education. Will help you get comfortable investing internationally. Good support.” – Chris Quinn, Dallas, financial executive

“The deals are extraordinary.” – Virginia Hunt, California, banker

“Just do it. A project will come along eventually that fits what you are looking for.” – Jordan Mitchell, Illinois, software engineer

“Great on-the-ground intel, path of progress focused, reasonable, but in-depth, international coverage.” – Jasmine Pearson, Bogota, senior management consultant

“Great way to get into a network of foreign real estate ownership.” – Edgar Bell, Arizona, Chief Operating Officer

“Best way to find a real deal and location outside of the USA.” – Kyla Cummings, Iowa, dermatologist

“Introduction to best projects in diversity of markets, with best developer financing.” – Fred Todd, Salt Lake City, commercial real estate broker

“Get into international investments at the right level and feel backed by the professional team a RETA.” – Robert Tenny, Sydney Australia, Engineering consulting

“Great way to explore opportunities around the world.” – Marc Howard, Florida, airline pilot

RETA finds all the best investment opportunities and deals all over the world.” – Jamie Harris, California, finance

“The research, contacts, and education information are unparalleled.” – Maurice Keller, Texas, life insurance agent

RETA does it’s homework and has only the best deals. I’ve been a member for a number of years and wish I’d gotten in to the properties from 2016 and prior.” – Bonnie Armstrong, Connecticut, nurse

“I have told so many friends about RETA! My summary is something like this: About 20 years ago this guy from Ireland asked himself why he should spend another winter in Ireland. So, he didn’t. He became fascinated by investment opportunities along what he calls The Path of Progress. Over the years he’s formed relationships with first class developers in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rico, Panama, and so many more. You pay a relatively small fee for access to Ronan’s advice, insight, experience, connections, and amazing investment opportunities where he’s done most of the heavy lifting. RETA tees up a real estate volume discount to some of the most sought-after destinations in the world.” – Eve Powers, Atlanta, real estate investor

“Ronan provides a great service. I like the metrics and parameters he uses.”– Jeff Chambers, business owner and RETA member

“You provide a very robust number of opportunities and do a great job of explaining them. You provide a great deal of background rational for why to invest and the presentations of material is first class.” – Richard Shelton, real estate investor

“You do the leg work and we profit!”– Jerry Robbins, retired, RETA member

“Information from people on the ground is priceless.” – Mason Rowe, Los Angeles, luxury real estate appraiser

Click here to learn more about how to join RETA