Where to Profit From Global Real Estate Right Now
Ronan McMahon gives the lowdown on the most profitable, global real estate currently available.
By Ronan McMahon
Ronan McMahon gives the lowdown on the most profitable, global real estate currently available.
These clearly defined strategies will help you in your endeavours to profit from global real estate.
I’m covering a lot of ground on your behalf. Tomorrow I travel to the capital city of one of the world’s economic power houses to chase rental yields…then straight to what I consider to be the best beachfront buy in the planet right now…and from there to scout a relatively undiscovered area in the country that topped International Living’s Global Retirement Index for five years running…and finally to one of my favorite beach retreats to sort through all the opportunities.
Along the southern Pacific coast of Nicaragua are rocky outcrops and pounding surf…the ocean views are magnificent…and the sunsets here are the best in the world.
Provisional Itinerary for the Real Estate Trend Alert Brazil Expedition
Get all the details of the Brazil Expedition.
We’re focusing on Brazil’s northeast coast at just the right time—Bloomberg has heavily reported on Brazil’s soaring fortunes in the past couple of weeks:
One of the opportunities I told you about when you joined Real Estate Trend Alert was the income potential in Brazilian wind farms. But I’ve learned of a way you can reduce the cost of entry, and possibly get financing for this investment.
Panama’s visitor numbers are growing at a much faster rate than its supply of hotel beds. Visitors are coming from the Americas and Europe for vacation, to buy real estate, to do business, or to work. Multinationals are setting up regional headquarters in Panama, and the big infrastructure projects are drawing in skilled labor and contractors.