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Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

Best Beach Deal on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

Ecuador’s nicest 60-mile stretch of coast is now accessible. It’s here, on the best part of this stretch of Pacific Coast, in a “best in class” project, that we can buy a lot from $32,256. This is an “off market” deal—14 lots in this project are only available to members of Real Estate Trend Alert. With the special member-only finance terms, we can buy this lot with a down payment of $16,128 and monthly payments of $448.

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

On May 31, I told you about the opportunity members of our little group have to buy a lot here with a down payment of $21,350…with 36 monthly payments (interest-free) of $800… and a final payment of $19,200. A small number of these lots are still available. Today, I would like to extend a special invitation to visit and experience what it will be like to spend time here and explore the surrounding areas.

FLASH ALERT: Brazilian Beach Town (SOLD OUT)

As a member of this group, you will know about the strong opportunities we have in northeast Brazil. You also know about the miles of sandy beaches east and west of Fortaleza, and the charming beach towns. Of these, Cumbuco is my favorite. And because of a situation thousands of miles from Brazil, you could buy a lot in Cumbuco, in a gated community just back from the beach, for 62,000 reais ($30,500).

Lake View Costa Rica for $188 a Month

Lake View Costa Rica for $188 a Month

In January I told you about the opportunity we have in Costa Rica’s (formerly) undiscovered lake country of Arenal. It’s in a project called The Preserve. Guess what? The market in Arenal there has taken off. The early-in window of opportunity is closing. The best lots are being snapped up and prices are rising. For now we can buy a lake view lot “off market,” perched above the boat dock, with a down payment of $2,500 and monthly payment of $187.50.