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Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

Member-Only Trip: Investigate New Brazilian Beachfront Opportunities

As you read in yesterday’s special report there are a number of opportunities I’m tracking in the area of Northeast Brazil centered on Fortaleza. I visited the beach town of Icaraí in late April. Europeans came here and fell for the stunning curve of beach and charming little fishing village—it’s a place where we can buy cheap, beautiful beachfront.

July 2014: Icaraí de Amontada – Brazilian for “Cheap, Beautiful Beachfront”

Europeans came to Icaraí and fell for the stunning curve of beach and a charming little fishing village—now it offers us cheap, beautiful beachfront opportunities. Plus, in this special edition: where you can combine profit potential and real estate for personal use in the Algarve…questions to ask before doing a deal on productive land…short-term rental markets and the local laws you should be aware of…and more.

What I’m Buying Right Now in Tulum

I’ve reserved a townhome for myself at the “Ceiba at A-nah Tulum” development I’ve been telling you about this week in a special series of pre-release alerts.
If I was solely concerned with rental income, I might have gone for one of the condos. But this is a place I plan to spend time, so the layout and size of the townhome is a better fit.