Hill Towns in Portugal?
A decade ago you’d struggle to convince most real estate investors to invest in Portugal, at least outside of the Algarve. There were many good reasons for this, among which were rent controls.
By Ronan McMahon
Real Estate Trend Alert Lifetime
A decade ago you’d struggle to convince most real estate investors to invest in Portugal, at least outside of the Algarve. There were many good reasons for this, among which were rent controls.
More than any country in Western Europe I’ve been drilling down into Portugal. Out of the last few years I’ve spent many months scouting here. Now I can reveal opportunities from all over the country…from beachfront bargains to historic homes…
It’s a pure income play and not without its pitfalls. But I’m here in Italy to figure it out. Hello from the city of Verona…
You’ll find wooden boardwalks for long strolls through the dunes and nature preserves. There are miles of cycle paths, popular for rollerblading too.
The best deals I bring to you have one thing in common: They sell fast. Members are quick to recognize the potential they offer and the gains to be made—and they’re just as quick to act. That was certainly the case when I opened the Residences at Playa Caracol yesterday.
I just recorded a phone call with my senior researcher Margaret Summerfield who’s just back from Playa Caracol… Listen now.
It’s been a few hours since the doors opened to our deal steps from the beach in Playa Caracol. The phones have not stopped ringing. The sales team has been flat to the mat trying to get back to every RETA member who called and couldn’t get through.
In three hours, our brand-new deal in Playa Caracol on Panama’s Pacific Riviera is open. I can’t emphasize enough just how big of a deal it is to come across true beachfront luxury homes so close to a global hub like Panama City at this price…
Tomorrow at 1 p.m. ET our newest deal opens in the Residences at Playa Caracol. It’s important you understand this opportunity fully so that you’re ready to act tomorrow. That’s why I recommend you read this deal recap right now…