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Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

Special Trip to the Best Stretch of Pacific Coast...

Special Trip to the Best Stretch of Pacific Coast…

Ecuador’s nicest 100-mile stretch of coast used to be difficult to get to. That’s changed with the new highway. One strong opportunity I’ve told you about on this coast (most recently in yesterday’s Alert) is Jama Campay.

This is where you can buy a 960-square-foot condo perched above…yet only a four-minute stroll from…a white-sand beach. Even from the ground floor you have views past the beach and breaking waves to the Pacific Ocean.

The Best Project on This Stretch of Pacific Coast

The Best Project on This Stretch of Pacific Coast

You’ll find Ecuador’s nicest stretch of coast in the north. It runs for 100 miles of sandy beaches, rocky coves and steep forested hills around the town of Jama. RETA members have bought beach homes here—at the Jama Campay project.

When I was in Cancun recently for International Living’s Ultimate Event, Francisco, the developer at Jama Campay, burst into the exhibit hall waving pieces of paper. “I have it…I have it…I got it yesterday…just before I got on the plane…” He was talking about permits—his condos are now permitted.

Fast-Track Panama Conference

April 4-6, 2013 – Panama City, Panama

As quality of life (worsened by crumbling economies) deteriorates elsewhere in the world, Panama looks better and better…Nowhere else can you enjoy such a comfortable life…with near-perfect year-round weather, excellent medical care, fresh, healthy food straight from the farmer’s truck…and a retirement incentive program that’s truly welcoming of expats…Discover if Panama is for you.

Notes From the D.R. - “I've Never Seen Anything Like It!”

Notes From the D.R. – “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It!”

The plans at the Gran Bahia Principe (the new resort I told you about in my last report from the Dominican Republic) call for a self-contained mini-town. Residents here will be able to go to school…get medical treatment…enjoy their leisure activities (like golf and tennis)…dock their boat…get dressed up for fine dining…dress down for cocktails and a snack on the beach…buy groceries in the supermarket…You get the idea.

The Dominican Republic Scouting Trip, Part 1

The Dominican Republic Scouting Trip, Part 1

Santo Domingo is the capital city of the Dominican Republic and one of the largest cities in Latin America. I haven’t explored it yet. That will have to wait until the tail end of my scouting trip. Pulling out of the airport…across the bay her skyline glimmers. I’m most interested in the restored colonial center. Museums, restaurants and short-term rental market. My 11-day scouting trip will end in Santo Domingo.