Small Is Beautiful
Ariel Frankel from Vitacon chats about micro condos, one of the most important trends on the RETA beat, with potential to gross capital gains and double-digit rental yields.

The Secret to Profiting from “Worthless” Real Estate
Sylvaine Pilault talks about how vision and determination can make you a fortune from “worthless” real estate.

Following Trends All the Way to the Bank
Find out why smart investors like Benjamin Beja pay attention to hot new trends in real estate—such as wellness.

Banking on the Path of Progress
Getting in ahead of infrastructure and tourists is a key real estate strategy. Juan Fischer is investing in a stretch of coast in Uruguay that will be the Next Big Thing.

How to Identify & Profit from Emerging Markets
Timing is nothing if you don’t have the right strategy. Boris Mannsfeld describes himself as an opportunist…and it’s a strategy that can make you serious returns…

Boost Your Gains with Bargain Buys
Ronan has worked with Daniel Neves on his own recent investment buys in Brazil, buying below value and following market trends to boost returns.

What’s Coming Up on the RETA Beat?
Ronan highlights potential opportunities from his most recent scouting trip in Slovenia, Ireland, San Miguel de Allende, Los Cabos and more…

Insider Connections Pay Dividends
On Spain’s Costa del Sol, Geoffrey Donoghue’s market knowledge and experience—plus access to connected insiders—paid off big when crisis hit.

How to Profit in an Overcrowded Market
By doing the right things at the right times, Eloy Caceres (and his Simca group) have made a lot of money. Follow his tips and you can, too.