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Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

To Greece!

There will be many more potential tipping points as Greece’s economy and politics continue to unravel. I won’t be watching the news feed. I’ll be on a flight to Greece for two weeks of serious boots-on-the-ground research. That’s more important than the Angela/Antonis body language.

Best Beach Deal on Ecuador’s Pacific Coast

Ecuador’s nicest 60-mile stretch of coast is now accessible. It’s here, on the best part of this stretch of Pacific Coast, in a “best in class” project, that we can buy a lot from $32,256. This is an “off market” deal—14 lots in this project are only available to members of Real Estate Trend Alert. With the special member-only finance terms, we can buy this lot with a down payment of $16,128 and monthly payments of $448.

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

Member-only Invitation to the Caribbean this October

On May 31, I told you about the opportunity members of our little group have to buy a lot here with a down payment of $21,350…with 36 monthly payments (interest-free) of $800… and a final payment of $19,200. A small number of these lots are still available. Today, I would like to extend a special invitation to visit and experience what it will be like to spend time here and explore the surrounding areas.