Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

INVITE: Come to Costa Rica This April to See Our Opportunity in Person

In recent days, I told you about the opportunity members of our little group have to lock down lots in Costa Rica’s Southern Zone, with pricing from just $20,000. That’s an immediate gain for RETA members, anyone else walking in off the street would pay at least $40,000 for a lot in the same community, but not us. Thanks to a deal I’ve negotiated on your behalf, you’re locking in gains of 100% from the get-go from your lot.

FREE Custom Trip to Panama…Book Now

We have the chance to buy in a true beachfront community…on the nicest and closest beach to Panama City…for under $200,000. We’re buying best-in-class and, we’re getting early-in prices ahead of the crowd. I can’t stress enough how much of a no-brainer this opportunity is. But to really understand just how strong it is, you need to see it in person.