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Real Estate Trend Alert

By Ronan McMahon

FLASH ALERT: Brazilian Beach Town (SOLD OUT)

As a member of this group, you will know about the strong opportunities we have in northeast Brazil. You also know about the miles of sandy beaches east and west of Fortaleza, and the charming beach towns. Of these, Cumbuco is my favorite. And because of a situation thousands of miles from Brazil, you could buy a lot in Cumbuco, in a gated community just back from the beach, for 62,000 reais ($30,500).

A New Opportunity in Costa Rica

A New Opportunity in Costa Rica

On Friday I told you about the opportunity to buy a lot perched above the shores of Lake Arenal…with a down payment of $2,500 and monthly payments of $187.50. This lot is in a project called The Preserve. Just below The Preserve and on the shores of the lake you’ll find one of Arenal’s most established projects: Turtle Cove.

Lake View Costa Rica for $188 a Month

Lake View Costa Rica for $188 a Month

In January I told you about the opportunity we have in Costa Rica’s (formerly) undiscovered lake country of Arenal. It’s in a project called The Preserve. Guess what? The market in Arenal there has taken off. The early-in window of opportunity is closing. The best lots are being snapped up and prices are rising. For now we can buy a lake view lot “off market,” perched above the boat dock, with a down payment of $2,500 and monthly payment of $187.50.

Latest Fire Sale in Ireland Now On

Latest Fire Sale in Ireland Now On

Last Friday I told you about the results of Ireland’s most recent fire sale auction. The catalog for the next auction (May 3) has been released. This time there are fewer apartments in the bigger urban centers. The focus is on commercial units. Some have tenants with leases of varying terms. Others are vacant. Homes and building plots scattered around the country also go under the hammer. Some are far from the big urban centers and will likely sell for a song.

See the Opportunities in Brazil for Yourself...

See the Opportunities in Brazil for Yourself…

In northeast Brazil, miles of wide and deep white-sand beaches connect little fishing villages and kite surfing outposts. A typical year has 300 days of sunshine. A typical day is in the low 80s with sunshine and refreshing breezes from the ocean. This is where Brazilians and Europeans come to vacation.

This is a stretch of coast you should visit first-hand to see the opportunity I have been telling you about. Today, I’m extending a special invitation

You Are Invited

You Are Invited

I want you to be the first to receive my invitation. After all, the schedule is designed for you. And with only 150 places available, it’s important that you have the opportunity to consider dates and act before these few seats sell out.

Special Trip to the Best Stretch of Pacific Coast...

Special Trip to the Best Stretch of Pacific Coast…

Ecuador’s nicest 100-mile stretch of coast used to be difficult to get to. That’s changed with the new highway. One strong opportunity I’ve told you about on this coast (most recently in yesterday’s Alert) is Jama Campay.

This is where you can buy a 960-square-foot condo perched above…yet only a four-minute stroll from…a white-sand beach. Even from the ground floor you have views past the beach and breaking waves to the Pacific Ocean.